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Carlos Cantó X Expansión: Chance, the ball and professionalism in sports management

Undoubtedly, and paraphrasing Ferran Soriano (a great and innovative professional in the soccer industry with whom I shared, along with other great managers in the sports sector such as Esteve Calzada, José Mª Durán, JL Marcó, J Chumillas or Jordi Sallés, among others, five "exciting" years of studies at ESADE), the ball does not come in by chance. The more professionalism and business rigor applied to the sports industry (which generates 3.3% of GDP in our country and between 1.5%-2% worldwide), the better results are achieved (both on and off the field).

However, sport is not an exact science (nor does it pretend to be), and there are many factors that, for better or worse, influence the results (especially on the playing field, court, pool or circuit): passion, feeling, pride of belonging, weather, possible "egos", injuries, rivals, conditions of the playing fields themselves, ... and chance.

How to improve the chances of the "ball" entering the goal (the opponent's, not yours ... which also happens ....). What can be considered the key elements?



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