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Andorra Sports Innovation Forum- First Edition

The ANDORRA SPORTS INNOVATION FORUM took place in Ordino-Andorra, as part of the initiatives within the "umbrella" of the ANDORRA SPORTS INNOVATION HUB, which is mainly focused on Winter & Mountain Sports and Cycling. The ANDORRA SPORTS INNOVATION HUB is a project created and lead by Andorra Business and Andorra Recerca + Innovació | Andorra Research + Innovation. SPSG Consulting and GSIC powered by Microsoft are acting as consultants since the inception of the initiative, and assisting in designing and implementing the whole roster of sub-projects (scale-up, mentoring, podcast, reports, webinars, virtual library, forum, etc.), with the aim to reinforce the positioning on Andorra as one of the top countries when it comes to the fusion between INNOVATION and SPORTS (mainly focused on Cycling and Winter & Mountain Sports).

The Forum has been inaugurated by Marc Saura Benazet - Secretary of State for Business, Economic Diversification and Innovation at Govern d'Andorra, and lead by Aurora Crespo Bertran - Head of Innovation at Andorra Recerca + Innovació | Andorra Research + Innovation and Judit Hidalgo, Director at Andorra Business.

The Forum delved into 4 topics:

a) sportainment and economic growth for Andorra

b) sponsorship

c) sustainability

d) mobility

Iris Cordoba Mondejar, Managing Director at GSIC, shared her vision about sport and technology, and SPSG lead the session about "Sport Business Trends", as well as the workshop focused on "Sportainment and Sponsorship" (Josefina Brugnini lead the workshop)

In addition, two of the winners of the ANDORRA SPORTS INNOVATION HUB Scale - Up program, Alex Hunger - Sport Dynamic Lab, and Marçal Juan Llaó - Lizcore® System, had the opportunity to present their porjects to the audience, composed by several executives from the Andorrian sport and entertainment ecosystem, including Andorra Turisme, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS, Andbank, MORABANC, Creand (Crèdit Andorrà), Andorra Esports Clúster - Gemma Riu i Botifoll, Xary Rodríguez Gómez, etc...

Thanks to Vanesa Arroyo, Jordi Cuenca Fontbona, Carles Serra, Guillermo Marín Díaz-Guardamino and rest of the audience. and participants.

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